
Goals- we all have them or at least we should have goals for our lives. Some of the goals we have, will succeed, some will not. Some are out of our reach, but does that mean quit reaching for them? No, not at all. If it were not for the goals of achieving or becoming then we would not have any joys to look forward to.  I believe we should all have goals, and yes, dreams to work toward. Never give up. Dreams I think are what drives our passions and lead us to set our goals. I think where we all get into trouble with is setting a large goal instead of setting small goals to lead to that big goal.  I am going to reevaluate a lot of things in 2019. I will work on achieving small goals this year and take them one step at a time.

Remember to celebrate each goal you accomplish and enjoy life along the way while reaching for your goals.   What are your goals? Whatever they are, I wish you the very best in 2019.


Developing Stories

Funny-Quotes-With-Pictures-1As an Author, I come up with story material in many ways, including from my dreams, or from the ones I can remember.  Sometimes, if I’m not too sleepy, I’ll jump out of bed and jot down the dream and then work on it the next time I’m writing.

Sometimes something will trigger a story idea. Perhaps a thought from something I see in my daily life, but most of the time, the ideas form in my head, and I go with it. Isn’t it amazing how the brain works? Some might call that a Waking Dream. What do you think?  So the next time, someone calls you a ‘Dreamer,’ take it as a compliment, and write those dreams down as they might just develop into a best-selling novel.:)